Handbook on Arbitration and ADR

October 25, 2021

Dr Mi­chael Hofstätter, Mar­tin Hackl and Dr Man­fred Heider are con­trib­ut­ing au­thors to the 1st edi­tion of the Hand­book on Ar­bit­ra­tion and ADR.

Dr Michael Hofstätter, Martin Hackl and Dr Manfred Heider are contributing authors to the 1st edition of the Handbuch Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und ADR (Handbook on Arbitration and ADR), edited by Michael Nueber and published earlier this year.

Dr Michael Hofstätter and Martin Hackl explain in detail the initiation and conduct of arbitral proceedings.

Dr Manfred Heider contributed to the chapter on institutional arbitration, authoring the section on arbitration under VIAC rules.

The Handbook can be purchased here.