Who's Who Legal: Thought Leaders - Arbitration

August 31, 2020

Dr. Chris­ti­an W. Kon­rad has been re­cog­nized as one of the fore­most prac­ti­tion­ers in In­ter­na­tion­al Ar­bit­ra­tion by Who's Who Legal: Thought Lead­ers.

Konrad Partners is proud to announce that Dr. Christian W. Konrad has been recognized as one of the foremost practitioners in International Arbitration by Who's Who Legal: Thought Leaders in its 2020 edition. 

In his interview with WWL, he shares his experience opening his own practice and discusses current and future projects. 

Follow the link to read the full interview.

Who’s Who Legal: Thought Leaders - Arbitration recognizes leading experts in their field for their insight, expertise and wisdom, based on reviews from peers, corporate counsel and other market sources.