Who's Who Legal - Arbitration 2020

February 25, 2020

We are proud to an­nounce that Dr. Chris­ti­an W. Kon­rad, Phil­ipp A Peters, Mar­tin Hackl, Dr. Heidrun Hal­bartsch­la­ger and Peter Rižnik have been re­cog­nized as lead­ing ar­bit­ra­tion prac­ti­tion­ers in in­ter­na­tion­al ar­bit­ra­tion by Who’s Who Legal 2020.

We are delighted to announce that our lawyers have been recognized for their industry-expertise in international arbitration by Who’s Who Legal - Arbitration.

Partners Dr Christian W. Konrad and Philipp A. Peters are recognized as global leaders.

WWL says that Christian Konrad is a “top name” in Austria for arbitration. He always “sees the overall picture and comes up with creative and pragmatic solutions”.

In addition, Dr Chiristian Konrad is recognized as a Thought Leader in arbitration.

WWL says that Philipp Peters is “very bright and eloquent” as a counsel. Peers find that he is “commercially driven and efficient” while being “extremely well prepared, smart and assertive” in his approach.

Counsels Dr Heidrun Halbartschlager and Martin Hackl and Senior Associate Peter Rižnik are named future leaders in the category non-partners.

The lawyers are selected based upon comprehensive, independent survey work, both general counsel and arbitration lawyers in private practice worldwide to identify firms and lawyers with outstanding expertise. 

Congratulations to the our lawyers and many thanks to our peers and clients for their support and appreciation!

For a full profile, please see here