Vienna Rules 2021

December 21, 2021

Phil­ipp A. Peters and Bíborka As­ztalos have au­thored an art­icle on the New Vi­enna Rules 2021.

Philipp A. Peters and Bíborka Asztalos have recently authored an article on the new Vienna Rules, which entered into force on 1st of July 2021. The publication focuses on the main amendments to the VIAC Rules of Arbitration and Mediation, which reflect the current developments in international commercial arbitration.

In particular, the article reviews the extension and redefinition of VIAC’s competence inter alia in investment arbitration, electronic case management, further improvements of the efficiency of the proceedings, revision of the articles regarding costs and the new provision(s) on third-party funding.

The article may be read in the November/December issue of JUVE or here.