Vienna Arbitration Talks 3'

June 7, 2022

We are de­lighted to an­nounce the launch of VAT3’ and wel­come our first guest Ms Saa­dia Bhatty.

Efficiency is being praised as a true virtue of arbitration. We wish to set an example and are launching a new format of our successful interview series Vienna Arbitration Talks.  Our guests will be adressing hot topics in arbitration in only 3 minutes. Our first guest is Ms Saadia Bhatty reporting on the works of UNCITRAL Working Group III.

For our premiere episode, Peter Rižnik is joined by Saadia Bhatty, Counsel at Gide Loyrette Nouel and observer on behalf of African Academy of International Law Practice at UNCITRAL Working Group III. She presents in a nutshell the discussions of UNCITRAL WG III on promoting diversity in ISDS, in special on matters of double-hatting.

Watch the full episode here or on our YouTube channel.