Konrad & Partners' con­tri­bu­tion to the European Arbitration Review 2017

November 17, 2016

Kon­rad & Part­ners is de­lighted to con­trib­ute the Aus­tri­an Chapter for the latest pub­lic­a­tion of Glob­al Ar­bit­ra­tion Re­view: “The European Ar­bit­ra­tion Re­view 2017”, being part of a series of spe­cial an­nu­al re­ports on key de­vel­op­ments in des­ig­nated re­gions.

Konrad & Partners is delighted to contribute the Austrian Chapter for the latest publication of Global Arbitration Review: “The European Arbitration Review 2017”, being part of a series of special annual reports on key developments in designated regions.

The Chapter discusses the application and related issues of Austrian arbitration law, as well as awards rendered in the jurisdiction.

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