Join us at GAR Live Vienna!

October 4, 2017

Kon­rad & Part­ners is de­lighted to spon­sor the first edi­tion of GAR Live Vi­enna, which will be held on 20th of Oc­to­ber at the Sky­L­ounge of the Aus­tri­an Fed­er­al Eco­nom­ic Cham­ber.

Konrad & Partners is delighted to sponsor the first edition of GAR Live Vienna, which will be held on 20th of October at the SkyLounge of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. The event brings together leading international arbitration experts for one day in order to discuss the current main issue in arbitration law.

Dr. Christian Konrad will participate in the panel discussion on “Enforcement around the region: How to get the client paid”, exploring both the legal and practical aspects of translating recognised awards into real money.

Join us for this event!