GAR100: Recognition for the Team of Konrad Partners

July 21, 2020

We are proud that our team at Kon­rad Part­ners con­tin­ues to be re­cog­nized as one of top law firms world­wide in in­ter­na­tion­al ar­bit­ra­tion by Glob­al Ar­bit­ra­tion Re­view (GAR).

In its recent edition GAR100, Global Arbitration Review has recognized Konrad Partners as one of leading law firms in international arbitration.

“A client that has used the firm for disputes over projects in Romania and Hungary says the team is “truly outstanding”. Partner Philipp Peters “combines deep understanding of arbitration, the ability to familiarise himself with foreign law and technical issues, and quick thinking”. Counsels Martin Hackl and Heidrun Halbartschlager are also rising stars.”

For the full firm profile, please follow the link.