Board Member at ArbAut

January 7, 2020

Phil­ipp A. Peters has been elec­ted as a new Board Mem­ber of Ar­bAut - Aus­tri­an Ar­bit­ra­tion As­so­ci­ation.

We are proud to announce that Philipp Peters has been elected as a new Board Member of ArbAut - Austrian Arbitration Association effective 1 January 2020 and will act as treasurer of the organisation.

The Austrian Arbitration Association (ArbAut) works closely with Young Austrian Arbitration Practitioners (YAAP), where Philipp was a member of the Advisory Board until recently and acted as chairman of the organization in the past. 

The Austrian Arbitration Association is dedicated to promoting domestic and international arbitration, with a particular focus on promoting Austria as the place of arbitration.