Arbitrators‘ Quest – Konrad & Partners‘ SEE and CEE mock trial - ap­plic­a­tions are now open!

January 11, 2018

After three suc­cess­ful edi­tions, Kon­rad & Part­ners is pleased to an­nounce the or­gan­iz­a­tion of the 4th edi­tion of its “Ar­bit­rat­ors’ Quest – Kon­rad & Part­ners´ CEE and SEE mock trial”, which will take place in Vi­enna on 17 May 2018.

After three successful editions, Konrad & Partners is pleased to announce the organization of the 4th edition of its “Arbitrators’ Quest – Konrad & Partners´ CEE and SEE mock trial”, which will take place in Vienna on 17 May 2018.

Established in 2015, the Quest provides dedicated students and young professionals with the opportunity to combine their academic skills with practical experience in a mock international arbitration trial, as well as gain insight into and first-hand experience with situations and matters typically arising in international arbitration dispute.

Based on their written and oral performance, the winner will be elected from amongst the participants who will be offered a paid two-month internship with the Konrad & Partners Arbitration Practice Group in Vienna.

The competition is open to students, graduates and young professionals with interest in international arbitration.

Applications are open until 26th February 2018.

Detailed information about the competition and the application process may be found .

If you have any further queries, do not hesitate to contact Ms Eugenia Mocanu at 
