New Counsel An­noun­ce­ment

3. Februar 2020

Kon­rad Part­ners is de­ligh­ted to an­noun­ce the pro­mo­ti­on of Dr Mi­cha­el Hof­stät­ter to Coun­sel, ef­fec­ti­ve Ja­nuary 1, 2020.

Konrad Partners is delighted to announce the promotion of Dr Michael Hofstätter to Counsel in our Vienna office, effective January 1, 2020.

Michael is a highly qualified attorney with extensive experience in advising domestic and international companies and enterprises in commercial arbitration and litigation proceedings. His expertise lies in particular with construction and engineering, metals and mining, oil and gas, energy and natural resources, pharmaceuticals and infrastructure, corporate & M&A. He advises clients in contract negotiations, as well as on recognition, enforcement and setting aside of arbitral awards. In addition, Michael acts as an arbitrator and is one of the leading authors of the commentary on the Austrian Arbitration Act.

Michael is an Austrian attorney-at-law (Rechtsanwalt) and admitted to practice in the state of New York. Prior to joining the firm in 2015, he was a research and teaching assistant at the department of Civil Procedure at the University of Vienna, and worked as an associate at a Viennese law firm in the field of international arbitration.

Dr Christian W. Konrad, Managing Partner, comments: “Congratulations to Michael on achieving this important milestone in his career. He continues to demonstrate our core values through his professionalism and commitment to our clients, dedication to outstanding results, leadership and innovation. His depth of knowledge and experience contributes to the growth and success of our firm and our clients’ need. I wish him every success and anticipate many new achievements.

Downoad the press release in English and German.