Legal 500: Arbitration Powerlist 2021 - Central & Eastern Europe

30. März 2021

Dr Chis­ti­an W. Kon­rad, Phil­ipp A. Pe­ters and Dr Hei­drun Halb­art­schla­ger have been re­co­gni­zed as lea­ding ar­bi­tra­ti­on prac­ti­tio­ners in the Cen­tral and Eas­tern Eu­ro­pe by Legal500 Ar­bi­tra­ti­on Power­list.

Partners Dr Chistian W. Konrad & Philipp A. Peters and Counsel Dr Heidrun Halbartschlager have been recognized as leading arbitration practitioners by Legal500 in its inaugural Arbitration Powerlist: Central and Eastern Europe.

The Arbitration Powerlist: Central and Eastern Europe showcases the leading practitioners working in a broad sweep of countries from the region. 

Read the full list here.