Dr Konrad's expertise recognized by Best Lawyers

25. Juni 2018

It is a great plea­su­re to an­noun­ce that Dr Chris­ti­an W. Kon­rad has been re­co­gni­zed by the 2019 edi­ti­on of Best La­wy­ers - Aus­tria Di­rec­to­ry in the field of Ar­bi­tra­ti­on and Me­dia­ti­on.

It is a great pleasure to announce that has been recognized by the 2019 edition of Best Lawyers - Austria Directory in the field of Arbitration and Mediation. We would like to thank our colleagues for their support and appreciation!

Best Lawyers is one of the oldest and most respected guide to the legal profession. Recognition by Best Lawyers is based entirely on peer review. Their methodology is designed to capture, as accurately as possible, the consensus opinion of leading lawyers about the professional abilities of their colleagues within the same geographical area and legal practice area.