Chambers & Partners Global 2017

30. März 2017

In the la­test edi­ti­on of Cham­bers Glo­bal, Cham­bers & Part­ners have again in­di­vi­du­al­ly re­co­gni­zed Dr. Chris­ti­an W. Kon­rad and Mr. Phil­ipp Pe­ters.

In the latest edition of Chambers Global, Chambers & Partners have again individually recognized Dr. Christian W. Konrad and Mr. Philipp Peters.

Dr. Konrad was ranked within the core area Dispute Resolution (Arbitration) – Austria and Dispute Resolution (Foreign Expertise) – Austria, Central & Eastern Europe. Mr. Peters has been recognised in the category Dispute Resolution (Arbitration) – Austria as “up and coming”.

Chambers & Partners stated that Dr. Konrad “offers a wealth of experience in cross-border disputes involving CEE countries. He represents a variety of clients in international litigation and arbitration proceedings, including members of the energy and financial services sectors.” A client says he "has very good ideas regarding strategy: how to set up the whole procedure and how to steer it."

Mr. Peters was noted as being “active as arbitration counsel. He focuses on complex construction and engineering projects.”